Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Sorry I missed yesterday entry into my blog, but honestly there was nothing worth writing about.  So today, I would like to share an article that I recently found with you.  The name of this piece is "The Man of Great Importance."

Many years ago some soldiers were engaged in the repair of some fortifications. Directing the operations was a pompous little officer who gave his commands in a very loud voice.

The men were trying to get a beam of timber to the top of a mound, but they were not strong enough. One more pair of arms and the work would have been easy.

Yet, the officer did not offer to help in any way. He simply stood and shouted his commands, mixing these with abuse of the soldiers for their failure in the task.

"Now, you fellows," he shouted, "put your backs into it! Heave ho! Don't stand looking at it---move it!

A gentleman dressed as a civilian, who happened to be walking by, stopped and watched the proceedings, and then asked the officer why he did not help.

"Are you aware who I am, sir?" asked the officer, with indignation and astonishment. "I am a corporal."

"You are not, though are you?" said the other." "I was not aware of that, and I am sure I beg your pardon."

Then the new-comer threw off his coat, and going to the little group, of perspiring men, lent a hand, so that the timber was soon in position. The officer did not even thank the gentleman for his help, but as the civilian put on his coat again he said quietly: "The next time you have a task of this kind in hand, sir, and have not enough men, just send to me, and I will come and help."

"May I ask who you are? inquired the corporal haughtily.

"Yes, sir," replied the gentleman. "You will always find me by addressing a letter or sending a messenger to the headquarters tent. My name is George Washington, and I am commander-in-chief of the army. Good day sir!"

The civilian walked away, and the pompous corporal stood still, too deeply chagrined for speech.

Thank you for allowing me to share this article with you.. and the.. lesson learned, you are never too big or too important to help those in need. 


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