Friday, April 26, 2013

FOREVER YOUNG-this is the beginning for me

Hi Everyone.  looks like a new set-up on my blog, I like it.

Catch up time.... well I've been busy with so many things.

I ended my writing group after seven years.  The teens were all graduating this year, and the adults just have a very busy life schedule, that many either couldn't make the meetings or when they came , didn't have enough time to write... and that's okay, because in life we are usually presented with situations that are beyond our control, and that's one of the many reasons I had to end both groups...

I will  miss them all, and I hope they all continue to follow their creative dreams and become the writer they want to be, and if not, just to enjoy the process of just writing whether it's for themselves or others, or if they want to be published or not.....

So now  I have all the time in the world to write, yet I still haven't written something big, but I did start out small and that's by entering writing competitions of 100 words or less for a story, and a poem I'm pretty proud of.... has a sense of humor, I believe..etc.. and I actually sent out my original TV pilot script, and no I haven't heard anything about it, and yes it did win in a competition, still given all that, chances are it will get lost among the thousands of others I'm sure... but that's the name of the game.. wish I knew someone, like a magician, who could just pull it out of the stack of scripts and say here, this is a good idea, let's see what we can do with

But at least this is the beginning, AGAIN for me.

And now that I found my blog again, lol.. and my voice whichever you prefer.. I'll try to write each day and hopefully share with you the many pieces of my life.. hopefully it will be humorous,  maybe a little drama, well not too much drama.... even I will hesitate to read, for the mere fact I don't want to relive it again... there goes that word AGAIN...

 I hope you continue to enjoy reading my blog..... comment if you want to, always welcome, and tell your friends and family to tune in.

 And even though my age, might not be your age, I hope you can relate to some of the things I have to say, and if you can't, well just imagine yourself in my place..

so stay always and FOREVER YOUNG