Monday, January 9, 2017

Remember the song Baby it's Cold Outside.. Well it's freezing, and I really don't want to go out today, but hopefully it will warm up by this afternoon, for it's off to the dentist for a teeth cleaning, which I am not looking forward to.   Does anyone really like going to the dentist?
Now for those who might be interested, I will try desperately to make this a productive day. Maybe share with you some excerpts of my story, when it's almost complete, that is. 

Still trying to find my niche... but as we all know feelings are difficult to deal with.. We don't want to face them, so we just ignore them, and go about our day as if nothing bothers us.. when in reality it does. And as a writer, you put your feelings in everything you write, whether it be fiction or fact, for there is always some ounce of truth in either genre.

Inside of me our plenty of stories, but I ask myself are they meaningful to me, and is it worth writing about, or will someone actually read, what I've written....

For negative criticism is always difficult to swallow, yet as we all know in life, somewhere and sometime, we have been criticized for one thing or another, and it doesn't sit well, does it? In fact we begin to second guess everything we do and say.. When in fact, we should stand by our beliefs and our work, and only accept the Constructive Critique that is said out of caring, and wanting you to succeed in all you do..

Writers, I believe  need self assurance, and really want to please their readers. At least for me, this is true. But a writer also has to fulfill their needs as well.. They need to be true to themselves, and feel pleased with what they have written.

So remember whatever you do in life, or whatever goals you set for yourself, and no matter how young or old you are, stand by your beliefs, and don't be discouraged, for after all no one is perfect, and we don't live in a perfect world.

Just know that everyday you wake up, it's a new beginning, and new adventures.. and who knows, whatever you choose to do in life, just continue to follow your dream, and if you handle constructive critique, and ignore the negative, you will be successful in your own right.

What more can you ask for, then that.

Till tomorrow


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