Friday, July 20, 2012

FOREVER YOUNG/ mom's greatest gift of all

The last few weeks I've been gathering all my mom's insurance policies, and sending out the necessary forms, and finally the last one was sent out.

My mom had everything in order.  

And this the greatest gift of all... she made it so much easier for me, to take care of her last requests.. She was always organized and detailed.... for I'm the same way, and when my time comes, I will do exactly as she did, so my children won't have to do a thing, because it will already be written down.

Now I will take myself away from this blog, and maybe in a few days or weeks, I'll write something great.... and there is a poem I want to share with you, maybe tomorrow or the next day... It was written about my mom and I think all who read my blog will relate to it, regardless if you are a man or woman, it fits everyone, or at least I hope it does.... then maybe I could be wrong, but I hope you'll like it anyway.

until next time FOREVER YOUNG