Monday, July 9, 2012

FOREVER YOUNG/just rambling on... and on, and on.

It's been a trying week for me... Gathering all the things that need to be done.. finalizing my mother's wishes and making sure all is in place and tied up nicely..

I often wish, when I write my blog, that  I can come up with something witty on spontaneous, but unfortunately, that doesn't happen too often, for the mere fact that my mind is always thinking of the logistics and reality of a situation.. the make believe world doesn't exist for me, I wish it did.   I would love to fantasize. It would be great to live in a dream world, and walking in a dreamlike state of mind.

But it is not to be, because as I said before, I am a realist and live in the real world.

Although as a writer, I do need to go outside of the box, and explore other possibilities. I need my mind to open up the channels, and conjure up characters, making them come alive so I can tell their story...

I patiently await for this to happen, but for now, I need to hide from myself. My grief for my mom, too deep, too strong to ignore, yet I need to keep moving on.

Mom wouldn't want it any other way.  She believed in me and therefore, I must believe in myself.  Even though I'm older, there is still time for me to accomplish what I need, or have to too. A fulfillment within myself that needs to be quenched...

So forgive this rambling on, and maybe I'll ramble on some more.  It seems to suit me for the moment, and who know what can come of it, maybe a great story or two... therefore

Rambling on will always be FOREVERYOUNG

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