Monday, February 28, 2011

FOREVER YOUNG-there's always tomorrow

The sun is shining, the temps are high, and hopefully today, I will do something worthwhile. But if I don't, there's always tomorrow, isn't that what Vivian Leigh said in Gone With The Wind.

She put off today, what she can do tomorrow,

Maybe that's a good way to be.  If I'm stressed out and don't feel right, I might have regrets, so it's better to wait for another day when my head is on straight, but then again, if I keep putting off what I have to do, then it will never get done. What to do...

Yes the tomorrows will hopefully keep coming, but there will be a time when tomorrow is today, and I have to deal with anything that may come my way Or will I keep repeating "I won't think about it today, I'll think about it tomorrow."

So for me the tomorrows will always be FOREVER  YOUNG.

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