Friday, August 23, 2013


Well hope everyone is doing good.  It's been a while I know, but this summer has definitely been a trying one, because I had to say goodbye to some loved ones.

Just lost my brother-in-law, only 56 years old. Too young to die. My husband is taking it pretty hard, since he is the oldest of nine, and took care of his younger siblings. And I'll always remember him as a young boy in my wedding, with his long blond hair, and how he loved to eat.

And before we received this shocking news, I had lost my uncle, my mother's brother a few weeks before, he was 92 ...And when I was a young teen, he would visit our house on Saturdays, and bring vegetables and fruit from the market to my mother.. he just liked to get dressed up everyday.

And if you remember my last entry, I lost my mom last year, but I just buried her ashes a month ago at the cemetery, reliving it all over again, but now I can visit her often, and can talk to her anytime and no pun intended, she can't holler at me, or we can't disagree, but we also can't laugh together either, yet for some reason when I had her ashes with me, it was difficult to look at, because I just didn't want to believe she was really gone... But I fulfilled her final wish, and now I have closure. She also lived a long life, 88 1/2 years old.

Well that's about it, and hopefully the next time I make an entry on my blog, I will have some great and funny stories to share with you.

Thank you for understanding why I had to write this, for my heart can only take so much pain, and this is my way of letting go.