Monday, February 6, 2012

FOREVER YOUNG/ a bowl of cherries.. maybe

Whoever said life is a bowl of cherries, well I like to know where that person got his, because apparently the ones I buy are tasteless and useless to say the least.

But if you should find some, that makes your life so fine, then please let me know, because I could sure use some ....get up and go.... a little corny don't you think?  But I've had a few glasses of wine, and my mind is certainly on another path  who knows,.......

So this will be a short blog, and for me a bowl of cherries, will be sometimes or maybe not FOREVER YOUNG

FOREVER YOUNG/baking all kinds of breads

I've been on a bread kick lately.  Not eating it, but making it.

So far I've made Pumpkin Bread, Banana Bread and my favorite Applesauce Bread, and boy did that come out delicious,, at least that's what I was told.  But really I haven't eaten any of it.  okay that might be a little white lie. I had a small piece of each, but guess who ate the bulk of it... that's right my husband.

Now I will make another applesauce bread, since we went to a super bowl party yesterday, and brought the bread over to our hosts, which left nothing for my poor husband, who really isn't supposed to have much sugar, so I think for this recipe, I'll cut the sugar in half, and I'm sure it will still taste great... or at least I hope it does.

so for me baking bread, of all delicious kinds, will be FOREVER YOUNG